Spring is upon us, and it’s starting to feel like a weight is being lifted. More and more, people are getting vaccinated, things are reopening, and the world seems to be headed in a more normal direction. What better time is there to get organized?
In honor of the first day of spring (March 20), Taffeta is sponsoring a 21-day declutter challenge. It’s not always easy to do away with the old, and make room for the new (or just make room) so we are here to support you. Join our Facebook group here for three weeks of mini-challenges, articles, advice and support. Let’s do this!

According to Lisa Geraci Rigoni, Owner and Chief Declutter Officer at The Organizing Mentors, one of the biggest challenges and commonalities among people who are disorganized is not knowing where to start. “People get overwhelmed,” explains Rigoni, “So they don’t start. They think they want to keep everything.”
Some of the most common items people have trouble letting go of, according to Rigoni, include heirlooms, baby clothes, mementos and items they may have paid a lot of money for (even if they are not using them).
So if you are wondering where to start, Rigoni recommends choosing a place that is the most cluttered and disrupts your mental function as well as impedes on your physical space. In this regard she says the kitchen is often a good place to start. You may also want to look at your bedroom, because it can help to start with a place where you need to bring some calm. If your bedroom is clean, you can relax and go to sleep without seeing the mess.If this still seems overwhelming to you, don’t worry. Lisa herself will be joining us in the Taffeta group on Facebook to kick off the challenge live at 10 am (EST) on March 20, so come ready to get your questions answered, or just get inspired! She will be joining us live a couple of times a week during the 21 days to answer your questions and give advice, but if you sign up now, you can see there are a lot of folks feeling the same as you already talking about what they need to do within the community. So come join the Taffeta tribe!